
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Questions to share your story at the school board meeting and with the community.

The OEA Sunshine Proposal was generated using input from hundreds of members at dozens of sites. We asked our members three questions. Their answers to these central questions form the basis for our proposal.

Use these questions to share your story at the school board meeting and with the community:

 1. What are the most important things needed to improve students' academic and social/emotional outcomes?
2. What are the most important things you need to develop as a professional educator?
3. What are the factors that might prevent you from remaining as a career educator in Oakland?

Educators need our voices heard and our judgment respected. Recognition of and support for our efforts must be at the core of the way OUSD functions.We believe local school communities know what their specific strengths and weaknesses are and should have a substantial say in identifying and selecting training topics and providers.

We know that quality instruction requires regularly scheduled time, within the work day, to process new ideas, prepare lessons, and reflect on how to integrate them. A well-rounded education, including the arts and physical education, should be provided for all students. One goal is to increase opportunities by enhancing the offerings within the student day.

A greater investment is needed at the school sites to keep class sizes low and provide support and services for struggling students.

Oakland students need the reality of full service community schools, not just its rhetoric. They need on site counseling and psychological services provided by professionals with the appropriate state credentials at every site. They need up to date technology and certificated staff who know how to integrate it into meaningful learning experiences. Budgets are statements of priorities.

Oakland students need education professionals at all levels for whom the decision to make a career helping Oakland's children is not also a decision to sacrifice their financial well-being. OUSD can provide the employees of Oakland with salaries that are competitive with other Bay Area districts. We need to attract and retain educators who will make Oakland students their life's work instead of a training ground for other, higher paying Districts.

Your OEA Bargaining Team is counting on you to have their backs on JANUARY 29 as they present your interests for a new contract.

A FAQ will be included in the next email.

Submit any questions to: 

In Unity,

Kei Swensen, Chair                Sankofa
Steve Randall                         Lafayette
Kathleen Byrnes                     Cleveland
Jennifer Formosa                   Thornhill
Vincent Tolliver                       Skyline
Doug Appel                             CTA Staff